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Banking icons

Introduction to Banking Systems


Learn about money and how traditional banking systems work.

Walking trail through trees and tall grasses

Exploring Habitats


Students will make observations and inferences about three different habitats.

Lunar rover in its testing environment, created to mimic conditions on the Moon.

Designing Rovers for the Moon’s Extreme Environment


Learn about the extreme environment on the Moon and the challenges this poses for designing lunar rovers.

Daedulus crater on the Moon

Impact Craters


Learn about how craters are formed and about some of Canada's impact craters.

Bacteria, whale and universe

Understanding Scale: From Planck to Cosmic


Learn measuring the scale of everything, from the very tiny to the super gigantic!

Portrait de Anne-Marie Mulumba

Anne-Marie Mulumba

Career Profiles

User Experience Research Consultant

I work with organizations to help them better understand their customers and users of their products, so we can improve that experience for them.
A variety of plants

Parts of a Plant


What are the main parts of plants and what functions do these parts serve for plants?

SIlhouette of a figure examining stars with a telescope

How could you build a refracting telescope using water as the lenses?

Hands-on Activities

Build your own refracting telescope using glasses of water as the lenses.

Himalayan mountains

Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics


Learn about the Theories of Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics and discover what happens when plates collide!

Sunrise over Earth from Space

Why is there day and night?


Students will learn about how the earth rotates on its axis which creates the cycle of night and day.

Earth’s layers

Structure of the Earth


Learn about the layers of the Earth and discover how people explore the Earth’s crust.

A biodiesel filling station

Introduction to Biofuels

STEM Explained

Learn about biofuels and what makes them a promising alternative to fossil fuels.

Cars driving through thick smog

How Vehicles Pollute the Air


Learn how vehicles affect air quality, including their contribution to smog.

Glowing blue padlock among lines of binary code

How can you protect your personal information?

Hands-on Activities

Protect your personal information with different types of encryption.

Simple computer icons

Can you design icons for different screens?

Hands-on Activities

Use pixels to design an icon in two sizes.