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Cartoon of people cleaning teeth

How can chemistry help you take care of your teeth?

STEM Explained

What are your teeth made up of? What chemistry is at work in your mouth? Why do some people get cavities even if they brush regularly?

Why is everything so small down there?

Why is everything so small down there?

Hands-on Activities

Explore how we see things far and near and from different angles. It's all about perspective!

People playing ice hockey

Why Do Ice Rinks Stay Frozen?

STEM Explained

Every ice rink is an example of molecular bonding and gas laws at work!

ChaoticMind75 - iStock

Why is it colder in the winter even though the Earth is closer to the Sun?

Hands-on Activities

Learn why we have seasons in this hands on activity.

Suffering from a hangover

Why Do People Get Hangovers?

STEM Explained

Why does drinking too much alcohol make people feel so bad? Read about four theories.

Why is rain not salty?

Why is rain not salty?

Hands-on Activities

Make a model of the water cycle and find out how water moves around on planet Earth.

fossil plants and animals

Why Scientists Believe in Evolution

STEM Explained

Scientists have accumulated so much evidence in the theory of evolution that it is one of the most widely-accepted theories in science.

Two girls writing

Write-Around Discussion

Teaching STEM

This strategy helps small groups of students consolidate knowledge about a topic.

People with cancer and their caregivers

Why Do So Many People Get Cancer?

STEM Explained

We all know someone who has been affected by cancer. What causes cancer? Why is it getting more common?

Arctic pack ice

Why Don't Fish Freeze in Cold Arctic Waters?

STEM Explained

Ever wonder how fish survive in the cold waters of the Arctic and Antarctic? It’s partly because of a brilliant evolutionary adaptation.

Weather Map

Why is the weather so hard to predict?

STEM Explained

Meteorologists use computer models to predict the weather. Learn why, despite advances in computer science, meteorologists still get it wrong sometimes.

https://aWhy are peas and corn classed as starches on food guides?

Why are peas and corn classed as starches on food guides?

Hands-on Activities

Learn how test foods for starch.

Why can we see shadows at night?

Why can we see shadows at night?

Hands-on Activities

Take a walk after dark to find shadows.

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Zoetropes are an early form of animation technology. Learn about this Ingenium artifact and make your own version of this artifact using 3D printing!

Why do leaves change colour in the fall?

Why do leaves change colour in the fall?

Hands-on Activities

How do the green leaves of summer change to vibrant colours in fall? Explore plant pigments in this chromatography activity.