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Learning from the Experiences of Others

Learning from the Experience of Others


Students will recognize the benefit of seeking advice from those experienced in specific career areas that interest them.

3D representation of a portion of human female brain

Clay-Adams Brain


This brain model helped doctors better explain things to their patients. Learn about this Ingenium artifact and make your own version using 3D printing!

Rendering of the human brain

Brain Architecture


The human brain has many different parts. Each one plays a different function. But they all work together to manage complex thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

Vintage light bulb

Introduction to Energy


Learn about energy in its different forms, in particular kinetic, potential and mechanical energy.

Smoke from a crop-duster shows wake turbulence

What is Air Turbulence?

STEM Explained

Learn about the science behind the four main causes of turbulence.

Weather station in Iceland

Measuring and Forecasting Weather


Learn about different weather instruments that meteorologists use to measure weather.

Looking at a donut and a brain through a magnifying glass

How Sugar Affects the Brain

STEM Explained

Consuming sugary foods and drinks activates your brain’s reward system - the same system that can cause addiction.

Water droplets on a leaf

Needs of Plants


Plants have specific needs - light, air, water, nutrients, and space - to survive and reproduce.

Screen capture from video "The Wacky History of Cell Theory”

The Wacky History of Cell Theory

STEM Explained

It took several scientists building on each other’s discoveries to come up with Cell Theory - one of the cornerstones of biology.

Seeds of a pomegranate fruit

Plant Reproduction


Learn about pollination and other forms of sexual reproduction in plants. And did you know that plants can also reproduce asexually?

What are your Employability Skills?

What are Your Employability Skills?


Students will identify employability skills in which they are strong and those that need work, create an Employability Skills Profile and develop plans to improve their employability skills.

Scoop of potting soil

What is Soil?


Learn about soil, soil texture and the various layers of soil.

Browning apple

Why Do Apples Turn Brown After You Cut Them?

STEM Explained

Has your fresh juicy apple turned an unsightly brown? Learn about the redox reaction behind the transformation.

Tree through the four seasons

Why do we have seasons?


Learn why seasons change. Discover how they’re different in the Northern and Southern hemispheres.

Red-haired woman

The Chemistry of Redheads

STEM Explained

Learn how chemistry and genetics makes redheads stand out from the crowd.