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SuperDARN radar station

Observing and Predicting Space Weather in Canada


Learn about how Canadian scientists observe and predict space weather.

Silhouette of person in front of aurora

Auroras: Spectacular Light Shows


Learn about auroras - spectacular light shows in the night sky.

Chatbot virtual assistant

AI and Human-Computer Communication


Learn about how artificial intelligence and machine learning help us communicate with computers.

Robot thinking about a problem

What is Machine Learning?


Discover how computers can learn and find out about the three types of machine learning.

Chatbot communicating with person

What is Artificial Intelligence?


Learn about the fast-moving field of artificial intelligence and what it means in your life.

Young woman and smart phone with facial recognition

AI and Computer Vision


Learn about how computers see and learn to recognize objects and human faces.

Person in white coat pointing to AI button

Discovering Drugs with the Help of Machine Learning


Learn how machine learning is being used in protein drug discovery.

Hand holding petri dish with bacteria

Colouring Clothing with Bacteria


Learn about using bacteria to colour clothing.

Sun magnetic field lines

The Magnetic Sun


Did you know that the Sun, like Earth, has magnetic field? This field affects our planet and our solar system! Let’s learn more about how it works.

Annular solar eclipse taken by a solar optical telescope

Get Ready for a Total Solar Eclipse!


Learn all about solar eclipses.

Peat bog in northern Alberta

Peat Bogs and the Ring of Fire


Learn about peat bogs, the threats they face and how you can help.

Chef using calculator in a kitchen

Cooking Up Math


Learn about how math is used in the kitchen.

Father and daughter doing online banking

Buying Power: The Math Behind Money


Learn the basics of managing your money.

PET-ase bacteria

Plastic-Eating Bacteria: Nature's Recyclers


Learn how bacteria can help solve the world’s plastic problem.

Abstract blockchain image

Blockchain Mining


Students will learn about the foundation of blockchain technology, its benefits and how to apply their knowledge through an interactive, hands-on activity.