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Blue Jay

Birds: Songbirds

Picture Collections

10 images of some birds such as finches, chickadees and cardinals that produce sounds and calls in a musical way

Taj Mahal, Agra, India

Buildings: Around The World

Picture Collections

13 images of some buildings from around the world including where they are located such as the Taj Mahal in Agra, India

Apprentice Plumber At Construction Site

Buildings: Construction Site

Picture Collections

10 images of buildings in various stages of construction, some equipment being used and some people who work on construction sites

Cocoa beans and cocoa powder

Can Chocolate Make Your Brain Work Better?

STEM Explained

Researchers have found that consuming foods rich in flavanols is linked to more efficient blood flow, which can improve brain function.

Can we make butter?

Can we make butter?

Hands-on Activities

Do you like butter? Find out how easy it is to make!

T cells and cancer cells - Image © Meletios Verras,

Can Your Own Cells Cure Cancer?

STEM Explained

When a person has cancer, CAR-T Therapy uses their own cells to destroy the cancer cells in their body.



Picture Collections

5 images of invertebrates such as spiders and scorpions characterized by having 4 pairs of segmented legs, 2 main body parts and simple eyes

Birds flying near a wind farm

Are wind farms a threat to wildlife?

STEM Explained

Wind power is a growing source of electricity generation. But wind projects often affect local wildlife populations, and researchers are using environmental monitoring techniques to alleviate some of these impacts.

Teenage boys arm wrestling at school

Arm Wrestling and Torque

STEM Explained

Arm wrestling isn’t just a test of strength. It’s also a test of how well you understand torque.

Billiard balls and a cue stick on a felt-covered table (PIRO4D, Pixabay)

Billiards and Collisions

STEM Explained

The game of billiards shows the principles of collisions, momentum & impulse, and kinetics at work!

White Swan

Birds: Aquatic

Picture Collections

12 images of some birds such as seagulls, puffins, ducks and Canada Geese that live on or around freshwater or saltwater habitats

African Penguins

Birds: Flightless

Picture Collections

4 images of some birds such as emus and penguins that have less developed or small wings and have evolved over time not to be able to fly


Birds: Landfowl

Picture Collections

4 images of some birds that are heavy-bodied and ground feeders such as turkeys, pheasants and peacocks

Gingerbread house

A Merry Molecular Christmas

STEM Explained

Many holidays mean delicious food - and smells! This fun article looks at the chemistry behind the common aromas of Christmas.

Green tree frog


Picture Collections

12 images of some cold-blooded animals such as frogs and newts classified as amphibians that can live in the water or on land