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Rattle drum

Design & Build a Musical Instrument


Students will learn about the properties of sound as they design, test and build a musical instrument.

Artist’s conception of NASA’s Space Launch System

Escape Velocity

STEM Explained

Why do a baseball and a rocket need the same launch speed to get from Earth into space? It has to do with physics and gravitational force.

Shoe tread (aligraham, Pixabay)

Design & Build a Non-Slip Boot Tread


Students work collaboratively to design and build a boot tread that will use friction to prevent slipping on an incline.

Massive algal bloom

Eutrophication: Why you should care about pond scum

STEM Explained

When fertilizers from agriculture get into lakes and rivers, big problems can result for aquatic ecosystems, food chains & webs!

Catapult near Castle Saint-Angel, Italy

Design & Build a Ping Pong Ball Launcher


Students work collaboratively to design and build a device that uses simple machines to launch ping-pong balls.

woman with camera

Eye vs. Camera

STEM Explained

The human eye lets us see the world by sending impulses to our nervous system. In many ways, it is very similar to other optical devices, including cameras.

Chunk-Chew-Check Learning Strategy


Teaching STEM

This strategy helps students process and make sense of new information.

Hand holding oak tree seeds

Design & Build a Seed Saver


Students will work collaboratively to design and build a structure that will protect a seed from the elements.

Collaborative learning

Collaborative Learning

Teaching STEM

Collaborative learning is an approach to learning and teaching in which a group of students work together to achieve a common goal (e.g., to solve a problem, meet a challenge, answer a question, share learning). Collaborative learning requires a learning environment that is fluid and inclusive, and that supports independence and interdependence of students with each other and with the educator.

Assortment of seeds

Design & Build a Seed Sorter


Students will work collaboratively to design and build a device that is able to sort seeds by size.

Concept map on blackboard

Concept Definition Web

Teaching STEM

This strategy helps students understand the meaning of key concepts through the use of a graphic organizer.

Wooden sieves

Design & Build a Soil Sifter


Students will work collaboratively to design and build a sifter that separates soil according to particle size.


Consensus Mat

Teaching STEM

This strategy helps a group of students share and discuss ideas in order to produce a collective, agreed-upon response.


Tall Towers & Sustainable Cities


Students will design and build a model apartment building and learn how buildings such as these can be a solution for suburban sprawl.

Woman having a panic attack

Chemical Equilibrium and Panic Attacks

STEM Explained

Panic attacks are scary and they upset your body’s chemical equilibrium. Learn what happens to acids & bases in your circulatory system during a panic attack.