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Print-Video Venn Diagram

Print and Video Venn diagram

Print-Video Venn diagram (Let's Talk Science)

Print and Video Venn diagram

Print-Video Venn diagram (Let's Talk Science)


How does this align with my curriculum?

PE 5 Integrated Curriculum Grade 5: Science (Draft 2023) IS 1.4: Collaborating with others effectively can help us to share meaningful explorations in impactful ways.
PE 6 Integrated Curriculum Grade 6: Science (Draft 2023) IS 1.4: Collaborating with others effectively can help us to share meaningful explorations in impactful ways.
PE 6 Integrated Curriculum Grade 6: Science (Draft 2023) IS 1.4: Effectively communicate the results of their inquiry.

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This strategy helps students collaboratively summarize information presented from both a text and a related video.

Why use it?

  • To access information from both text and video media formats that present the same information in different ways
  • To make video viewing more interactive
  • To help students focus their viewing of videos
  • To help students summarizing information presented through both text and videos

Tips for success

  • Choose a video and a piece of text that have some information in common.
  • Students may wish to view the video more than once, especially if there is extensive information, information is presented quickly, or the vocabulary is unfamiliar.

How do I use it?

  • Provide students with the given text. Each student should make note of important aspects of the text (e.g., using a highlighter, underlining, making point form notes, etc.).
  • Have students watch the video. Ensure that students have a place to record point form notes during the video (e.g., in a notebook).
  • Provide students with a Print-Video Venn Diagram template (see image at right). On the left side, have the students record information unique to the text, on the right side record information unique to the video, and in the centre, record information common to both the text and the video.
Print-Video Venn Diagram Reproducible Template
Print-Video Venn Diagram Reproducible Template


  • Watch the video a second time and have students switch roles to validate information and to add new information.
  • If a video does not have text, have students work in pairs with one student focusing on the images and the other focusing on the audio.


  • Provide student with a set of focusing questions so that they know what they are looking/listening for in the video.
  • Print-Video Venn Diagram Reproducible Template [Google doc] [PDF]

Create Your Own

  • Print-Video Venn Diagram Reproducible Template [Google doc] [PDF]

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