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Smart light

What is the Internet of Things?


Learn about the Internet of Things and how it works.

Bitcoin logo and motherboard

Introduction to Cryptocurrency


Learn about cryptocurrency and how it came to be.

Twenty-sided die

How Likely Is It?


Learn about probability, a branch of mathematics that helps us predict if something might happen.

Banking icons

Introduction to Banking Systems


Learn about money and how traditional banking systems work.

Lunar rover in its testing environment, created to mimic conditions on the Moon.

Designing Rovers for the Moon’s Extreme Environment


Learn about the extreme environment on the Moon and the challenges this poses for designing lunar rovers.

Daedulus crater on the Moon

Impact Craters


Learn about how craters are formed and about some of Canada's impact craters.

A collection of pencil crayons of varying colours and sharpness

Inspiring Talks & Resources from Past Visionary Symposiums


Bacteria, whale and universe

Understanding Scale: From Planck to Cosmic


Learn measuring the scale of everything, from the very tiny to the super gigantic!

A variety of plants

Parts of a Plant


What are the main parts of plants and what functions do these parts serve for plants?

Himalayan mountains

Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics


Learn about the Theories of Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics and discover what happens when plates collide!

Earth’s layers

Structure of the Earth


Learn about the layers of the Earth and discover how people explore the Earth’s crust.

Cars driving through thick smog

How Vehicles Pollute the Air


Learn how vehicles affect air quality, including their contribution to smog.

Artemis I Liftoff

Artemis Goes to the Moon!


Learn about NASA’s Space Launch System, which includes the Boeing-built Core Stage, and how it got Orion to the Moon and back again.

Balanced stones on a pebble beach

What are rocks?


Learn about the types of rocks, the rock cycle, and weathering and erosion.

Arrow with feet on pavement

Goal Setting


Learn about the importance of setting goals with students and strategies for helping students set and achieve goals.