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Coral reef

Coral Ecosystems


Learn about coral ecosystems and why they are important as well as what you can do to help keep them healthy.

Satellites orbiting Earth

Introduction to Satellites


Learn about the history, functions, and types of satellites.

Waves and rocks

The World of Ocean Currents


Learn about oceans and ocean currents and how they are being impacted by climate change.

Four Harvard training aircraft

How Planes Fly


Learn about what gets planes up in the air, what keeps them up there, and what brings them down again.

Earth with pinned locations

The Math Behind GPS


Learn about the history and math behind the Global Positioning System.

Underwater scene with reef

Ocean Zones


Learn about the pelagic and benthic zones of oceans.

Four forces acting on an aircraft

Four Forces of Flight


Learn about the four forces of flight.

Medical equipment used to check homeostasis

Introduction to Homeostasis and Regulation


Learn about homeostasis and how the body regulates temperature, blood pressure, blood pH and blood sugar.

Hot air balloons at dawn

Lighter Than Air Vehicles


Learn about history and workings of lighter than air vehicles.

Saskatchewan River Delta, Manitoba

What is a Fractal?


Learn about fractals and try making some yourself!

Microbes in the soil

Let's Talk Microbes Resources


Discover a list of resources relating to microbes, our interactions with them, and our future relationship with them.

Set of geometry tools

Triangles and Trigonometry


Learn about some practical applications of geometry and trigonometry.

Venn diagram of factors that inform the concept of One Health

Let's Talk One Health Resources


Discover resources to help understand the background context of the concept of One Health

College basketball players engaged in a game

Let's Talk Sports Science Resources


Discover a list of resources to get you thinking about STEM and sports for the Let's Talk Sports Science symposium.

3D rendering of the human digestive system

How Animals Digest Their Food


Learn about how different animals digest their foods and the organs of their digestive systems.