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Earth with thermometer

Climate Math


Learn about how to calculate temperature anomalies as a way of understanding how our climate is changing.

Welding trainee

What is Welding?


Learn about the science involved in combining two metals by welding.

The three RADARSAT Constellation Mission spacecraft

7 ways Satellites Help Fight Climate Change


Discover 7 ways satellite Earth observation helps fight climate change.

3D rendering of the offshore oceanographic science vessel

Canada’s Next Generation Oceanographic Science Research Ship


Learn about Canada’s newest Offshore Oceanographic Science Vessel.

Yuri Gagarin Capsule and space suit

Human Spaceflight: The First 50 Years


A history of the first 50 years of human space flight.

Image of a tide pool

Diversity of Canada’s Marine Coastal Habitats


Learn about the plants and animals in Canada’s marine coastal habitats, and what you can do to protect them.

Mosaic of the Valles Marineris hemisphere of Mars projected into point perspective

Let's Talk Mars Resources


Discover a set of resources to get you up to speed on the discussion surrounding Mars


Strange Shapes in the Sky: Stealth and Flying Wings


Learn about how and why engineers designed and built some very unique aircraft.

Human lungs with scientists inside

Just Breathe: Lungs and Asthma


Learn about asthma and what scientists are doing to study it.

Sea ice

Ice on Earth - The Cryosphere


Learn about the cryosphere and how it is being impacted by climate change.

Otto Lilienthal's flying machine

A History of How Humans Learned to Fly


Learn how aviation pioneers from the world learned how to make humans fly!

NASA Environmental Control and Life Support System

Life Support in Space - Closed Systems


Learn how astronauts survive in the International Space Station.

Astronaut Daniel Tani in the ISS

Home Sweet Home In Space


Learn about the history of space stations and how they help us learn about space.

The face of the planet Mars (NASA)

Destination Mars


Discover how space agencies have explored the Red Planet in the past and present and learn about the future of human spaceflight to the red planet.

Red jellyfish

Life in the Deep Sea


Learn about the unique creatures that live in deep sea ecosystems.