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Seedlings in various stages of growth

Setting Up a Fair Test


Learn how scientists set up fair tests using comparison and variables.

Medical Equipment and Instruments

Medicine and Science: Resources


Discover a set of resources designed to get you thinking about the intersection of medicine and science.

Empty box with question mark

Introduction to Algebra


Learn about the history of algebra and how to solve equations with variables.

Pier on one of the Great Lakes

Let's Talk Great Lakes Resources


Discover a set of resources designed to give you good background knowledge on all things Great Lakes!

Pickering nuclear power generation station

Let's Talk Nuclear Resources


Discover a list of resources to get you thinking about all things nuclear!

Factory smokestacks

Let's Talk Pollution Resources


Discover a set of resources designed to get you thinking about pollution.

Woman with Canadian flag near the ocean

Monitoring the Ocean with Radar


Learn about how a special type of radar helps monitor and protect Canada’s oceans.

Sea landscape with dam and waves

Waves, Tides and Tsunamis


Learn about ocean waves and how they can form tsunamis and tidal waves.

TTC subway train

Planning for Equity in Public Transit


Learn about how we can use spatial analysis to plan for more equitable public transit.

Fishing boat catching fish

How will climate change impact fisheries?


Learn about how climate change is impacting fisheries around the world.

C-band radar

Making Waves with Radar


Learn about how the radar works, the history and its many real life applications.

Boeing 777 Ecodemonstrator aircraft

Sustainable Aerospace Firsts


Learn how Boeing is making aviation more sustainable.

B-58 Hustler in flight

Testing for Aviation Safety


Learn about some of the ways that aircraft and spacecraft are tested.

Scale aircraft in a wind tunnel

Pre-flight Testing


Learn about some of the ways Aerospace engineers test new designs.

Remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV)

Human Exploration of the Deep Ocean


Learn about how humans explore the deep ocean and what they have learned.