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Create Your Own Podcast

Cartoon doodles related to podcasts

Cartoon doodles related to podcasts (Marina Vatazina, Getty Images)

Cartoon doodles related to podcasts

Cartoon doodles related to podcasts (Marina Vatazina, Getty Images)

Let’s Talk Science

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Students will learn about online content creation and create their own podcast.


Activities Timing Student grouping Description
Minds-On: What is a content creator? 15-20 minutes Small group and Large group Students will learn about the content creators and the types of media they create.
Action: Create a podcast 120-180 minutes Small group and Large group Students will plan, create and edit a podcast.
Consolidation: Podcast Showcase 20-30 minutes Small group and Large group Students assess each other's podcasts and reflect on their own learning.

This lesson can be done over a few days.

Students will:

  • Learn about different types of content creators and the content they create
  • Understand the characteristics of a high quality, engaging podcast
  • Communicate information in an engaging way to a specific audience
  • Reflect on content created by themselves and others
  • Develop digital skills related to audio recording and editing

Learning Goals

Students will:

  • Learn about different types of content creators and the content they create
  • Understand the characteristics of a high quality, engaging podcast
  • Communicate information in an engaging way to a specific audience
  • Reflect on content created by themselves and others
  • Develop digital skills related to audio recording and editing

Students can:

  • Identify types of online content and content creators
  • Describe the roles of content creators
  • Assess a podcast when given criteria
  • Create a podcast about a topic of study, including the use of audio recording and editing technology

Success Criteria

Students can:

  • Identify types of online content and content creators
  • Describe the roles of content creators
  • Assess a podcast when given criteria
  • Create a podcast about a topic of study, including the use of audio recording and editing technology
Assessment opporunties icon

This icon indicates potential assessment opportunities.


  • Observe student use of audio recording hardware and software to ensure it is used safely and properly
  • Observe how student groups distribute tasks and work on the planning and creation of their podcasts


  • Have conversations with students about the reasoning behind their podcast assessments
  • Have conversation with student groups during the podcast planning phase to ensure student success
  • Have conversation with students about the content creation process and what they learned by making a podcast


  • Completed Podcast Assessment Forms from sample podcast and group podcasts
  • Podcast Planning Forms completed by each group and reviewed at specific stages
  • Final completed podcasts


Evidence of Student Learning

Assessment opporunties icon

This icon indicates potential assessment opportunities.


  • Observe student use of audio recording hardware and software to ensure it is used safely and properly
  • Observe how student groups distribute tasks and work on the planning and creation of their podcasts


  • Have conversations with students about the reasoning behind their podcast assessments
  • Have conversation with student groups during the podcast planning phase to ensure student success
  • Have conversation with students about the content creation process and what they learned by making a podcast


  • Completed Podcast Assessment Forms from sample podcast and group podcasts
  • Podcast Planning Forms completed by each group and reviewed at specific stages
  • Final completed podcasts


Students will:

  • Learn about different types of content creators and the content they create
  • Understand the characteristics of a high quality, engaging podcast
  • Communicate information in an engaging way to a specific audience
  • Reflect on content created by themselves and others
  • Develop digital skills related to audio recording and editing

Learning Goals

Students will:

  • Learn about different types of content creators and the content they create
  • Understand the characteristics of a high quality, engaging podcast
  • Communicate information in an engaging way to a specific audience
  • Reflect on content created by themselves and others
  • Develop digital skills related to audio recording and editing

Students can:

  • Identify types of online content and content creators
  • Describe the roles of content creators
  • Assess a podcast when given criteria
  • Create a podcast about a topic of study, including the use of audio recording and editing technology

Success Criteria

Students can:

  • Identify types of online content and content creators
  • Describe the roles of content creators
  • Assess a podcast when given criteria
  • Create a podcast about a topic of study, including the use of audio recording and editing technology
Assessment opporunties icon

This icon indicates potential assessment opportunities.


  • Observe student use of audio recording hardware and software to ensure it is used safely and properly
  • Observe how student groups distribute tasks and work on the planning and creation of their podcasts


  • Have conversations with students about the reasoning behind their podcast assessments
  • Have conversation with student groups during the podcast planning phase to ensure student success
  • Have conversation with students about the content creation process and what they learned by making a podcast


  • Completed Podcast Assessment Forms from sample podcast and group podcasts
  • Podcast Planning Forms completed by each group and reviewed at specific stages
  • Final completed podcasts


Evidence of Student Learning

Assessment opporunties icon

This icon indicates potential assessment opportunities.


  • Observe student use of audio recording hardware and software to ensure it is used safely and properly
  • Observe how student groups distribute tasks and work on the planning and creation of their podcasts


  • Have conversations with students about the reasoning behind their podcast assessments
  • Have conversation with student groups during the podcast planning phase to ensure student success
  • Have conversation with students about the content creation process and what they learned by making a podcast


  • Completed Podcast Assessment Forms from sample podcast and group podcasts
  • Podcast Planning Forms completed by each group and reviewed at specific stages
  • Final completed podcasts


Materials and Preparation 

Material/Technology/Setting Quantity
1 per student plus extras for the consolidation activity
1 per group
For teacher use



Material/Technology/Setting Quantity
1 per student plus extras for the consolidation activity
1 per group
For teacher use


  • Before beginning the lesson, familiarize yourself with the resources and videos that the students will use.
  • Select a podcast for students to listen to, for example Brain’s On!Tai Asks WhyListenwise or Part-Time Genius,
  • Find out what audio recording hardware and software your school has access to. If you are using new technology, try it yourself first.


  • Before beginning the lesson, familiarize yourself with the resources and videos that the students will use.
  • Select a podcast for students to listen to, for example Brain’s On!Tai Asks WhyListenwise or Part-Time Genius,
  • Find out what audio recording hardware and software your school has access to. If you are using new technology, try it yourself first.
  • Familiarity with different types of online content
  • Familiarity with audio recording and editing an asset

Student Prior Knowledge and Skills

  • Familiarity with different types of online content
  • Familiarity with audio recording and editing an asset
Material/Technology/Setting Quantity
1 per student plus extras for the consolidation activity
1 per group
For teacher use



Material/Technology/Setting Quantity
1 per student plus extras for the consolidation activity
1 per group
For teacher use


  • Before beginning the lesson, familiarize yourself with the resources and videos that the students will use.
  • Select a podcast for students to listen to, for example Brain’s On!Tai Asks WhyListenwise or Part-Time Genius,
  • Find out what audio recording hardware and software your school has access to. If you are using new technology, try it yourself first.


  • Before beginning the lesson, familiarize yourself with the resources and videos that the students will use.
  • Select a podcast for students to listen to, for example Brain’s On!Tai Asks WhyListenwise or Part-Time Genius,
  • Find out what audio recording hardware and software your school has access to. If you are using new technology, try it yourself first.
  • Familiarity with different types of online content
  • Familiarity with audio recording and editing an asset

Student Prior Knowledge and Skills

  • Familiarity with different types of online content
  • Familiarity with audio recording and editing an asset

Teaching and Learning Activities 

Assessment opporunties icon

This icon indicates potential assessment opportunities.

Minds-On: What is a content creator? [15-20 min.]

Instructions Teaching Tips

To begin with, have a quick brainstorm about types of content and where it is posted online.

Assessment opporunties icon

Student responses may include articles, games, videos, podcasts, blogs, ebooks, infographics, etc. that are posted on places such as Tiktok, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, etc.

Line drawing of a chalkboard with "abc" written on it


Content is the text, visuals and audio that is made available online.

Provide each student with a copy of the Content Creators reproducible [PDF].

Content Creators reproducible
Content Creators reproducible (©2023 Let’s Talk Science).
Assessment opporunties icon

After reading, have a class discussion about content creation and creators using discussion prompts like the ones on the right.

Line drawing of speech bubbles


Discussion prompts can include:

  • “How would you describe the role of a content creator?”
  • “What skills and talents might a successful content creator have?”
  • “What content creators do you know?”
  • “How do content creators connect with their audience?”
  • “How can content creators influence society?”
  • “Can you see yourself having a career as a content creator? What type of content creator would you be?”

Action: Create a Podcast [120-180 min.]

Instructions Teaching Tips

In this activity, students will learn how to create their own podcast.

In order to understand the key elements of a podcast, have the class listen to the podcast you chose.

Assessment opporunties icon

Have each student assess the podcast using the Podcast Assessment Form reproducible [Google doc] [Word doc] [PDF].

Podcast assessment form reproducible
Podcast Assessment Form reproducible (©2023 Let’s Talk Science)

After listening to the podcast, lead a whole-class discussion to discuss the students’ assessment of the podcast.

Assessment opporunties icon

Use these elements to guide the co-development of assessment criteria for the project, including length, special effects, and content requirements. These will vary depending on age and ability in the class.

Line drawing of a computer monitor with a play button

Images and Videos

For students who are deaf or hard of hearing, have them watch a video of a podcast with closed captioning turned on.

Explain to students that they will be creating their own podcasts. Ideally they will work in groups of 2-3 for this.

Provide each group with a copy of the Podcast Planning Form reproducible [Google doc] [Word doc] [PDF].

Page 1 of the Podcast Planning Form
Page 1 of the Podcast Planning Form reproducible (©2023 Let’s Talk Science)

Some information, such as the length or subject, could come from the previous discussion. Other information will be determined by each group. Review the chart to ensure students understand what information goes in each section.

Assessment opporunties icon

As students work to fill in their forms, have conversations with each group about their responses using questions such as the ones on the right.

Line drawing of speech bubbles


Discussion prompts can include:

  • “Why do you think your topic will be of interest to your audience?”
  • “Why did you choose that format? How does it help you in meeting your creative goal?”
  • “Does your podcast lend itself to having music in the background? Why?”

Provide time for students to brainstorm what topic their podcast will be about. Make sure to have the students select a topic that they are knowledgeable about and confident in.


line drawing of a lightbulb


Students could use a Carousel Brainstorm learning strategy to do this.


Discuss with students the available technology for recording and editing their podcasts.

Students will likely need time to learn how to set up and use the given technology.

tech tips icon


There is a list of different technologies out there for recording audio. has free simple web-based tools for recording and editing audio (contains ads). Voice Memo by Apple is a good one for iphones and ipads. There are also a number of free voice recording apps in the Google Play store.

Have students plan the story using the Planning the Story chart on page three of the Podcast Planning Form reproducible. In it, they will determine what will go in each part of the podcast. An overall structure is provided for students.

Page 3 of the Podcast Planning Form reproducible
Page 3 of the Podcast Planning Form reproducible (©2023 Let’s Talk Science)
Assessment opporunties icon

Review the story plans before students go on to the next stage. Use discussion prompts such as the ones on the right to have students expand upon their thinking.

Line drawing of speech bubbles


Discussion prompts can include:

  • “How will your hook engage your audience?”
  • “What do you want your audience to remember when the podcast is over?”
  • “Where might you use music or sound effects?”

As a class, discuss the pros and cons of Word for Word Scripts and Outlines using the Script Versus Outline page [Google doc] [Word doc] [PDF].

Podcast Script Versus Outline page
Podcast Script Versus Outline page (©2023 Let’s Talk Science)
Assessment opporunties icon

Provide students time to work on their scripts or outlines. Review the scripts or outlines before students begin recording.

Students should then practice their podcasts before they begin recording.

Line drawing of speech bubbles


Discussion prompts can include:

  • “Does the body of your podcast match your why?”
  • “What is the tone you plan to use (funny, serious)?”

Ensure students have the necessary equipment and a quiet place to do their recording. Ideally the place will be away from typical school noise and a minimum of hard surfaces.

Students may require multiple attempts at recording segments of their podcast. Ensure that students are following their planning sheet to ensure efficiencies in terms of classroom time management.

line drawing of a lightbulb


Create a recording studio by draping blankets over desks and having students sit within to do their recording. The blankets help to muffle external sounds.

After all the content has been recorded students will need to edit their content. As part of the editing process students will be able to:

  • Cut out unwanted audio
  • Combine audio files
  • Adjust the volume, pitch and speed
  • Add additional sounds
tech tips icon


Many types of audio recording software, such as Audacity, also have editing capabilities. Various free apps are also available.

Consolidation: Podcast Showcase [20-30 min.]

Instructions Teaching Tips

Once the podcasts are ready for an audience, have the students present their podcasts to the class.

Assessment opporunties icon

As they listen, have groups complete the same Podcast Assessment Form [Google doc] [Word doc] [PDF] for each group that they used for the sample podcast at the beginning of the lesson. The group who made the podcast can use the Assessment form as a type of self-assessment.

After groups receive their feedback, have them share what they learned as part of the process and what they would do differently next time.

You may also want to ask how many students would now consider a career in content creation.

line drawing of a lightbulb


Alternatively, students could use the Two Stars and a Wish learning strategy.

line drawing of a lightbulb


The podcasts could be featured on a school website.

Background Information for Teachers

Podcasts as a Tool for Learning

Podcasts are a great and creative way for students to learn new content through active learning. Podcasts can help accommodate all learning styles as they integrate auditory learning with the skills of reading and writing. As students make their own podcasts they can apply prior knowledge and build collaboration skills. Other skills like teamwork, research, writing and speaking are also used and not only increase their confidence but also expose students to social interaction during the activity. As a teacher, you can use podcasts across multiple subject areas and as a medium for storytelling.

Shown is a colour photograph of two people sitting across from each other. Each person is weaving headphones. A large microphone is in front of each person. The person on the left appears to be speaking. The person on the right is resting their chin on on hand, which suggests that they are deep in thought.
Two student podcasters (Source: Johner Images via Getty Images).
Image - Text Version

Shown is a colour photograph of two people sitting across from each other. Each person is weaving headphones. A large microphone is in front of each person. The person on the left appears to be speaking. The person on the right is resting their chin on on hand, which suggests that they are deep in thought.

Additional Resources 



Reproducibles and Media




  • Have students create a portfolio podcast to showcase their work throughout the term.
  • Students could compare and contrast two different podcasts on the same topic.
  • Have students find a nominate a podcast for the class to listen to.


  • Begin a class by having students listen to a podcast about the topic of the day.
  • Ask students to listen to a podcast and then post three comments or questions they have about it.
  • Have students read the transcript of a podcast as they listen to it.

Visual Arts

  • Students could create a logo or other image to represent their podcast.


  • Have students explore how music can be used to create different moods in podcasts.
  • Students could explore different intro and outro music options or create their own with instruments.

Career Education



  • Have students create a portfolio podcast to showcase their work throughout the term.
  • Students could compare and contrast two different podcasts on the same topic.
  • Have students find a nominate a podcast for the class to listen to.


  • Begin a class by having students listen to a podcast about the topic of the day.
  • Ask students to listen to a podcast and then post three comments or questions they have about it.
  • Have students read the transcript of a podcast as they listen to it.

Visual Arts

  • Students could create a logo or other image to represent their podcast.


  • Have students explore how music can be used to create different moods in podcasts.
  • Students could explore different intro and outro music options or create their own with instruments.

Career Education

How to Write a Podcast Script [8 Free Script Templates] (2023)
This blog post from buzzsprout has free podcast script templates that students could use.

A simple process and template for student podcasting (2021)
This article includes suggested tools for students, podcast rubrics and more.

Creating a Podcast
This educator resource from the Ontario Council for Technology Education includes activities for students and ready to use PowerPoints on making a podcast.

Learn More

How to Write a Podcast Script [8 Free Script Templates] (2023)
This blog post from buzzsprout has free podcast script templates that students could use.

A simple process and template for student podcasting (2021)
This article includes suggested tools for students, podcast rubrics and more.

Creating a Podcast
This educator resource from the Ontario Council for Technology Education includes activities for students and ready to use PowerPoints on making a podcast.

Godsey, M. The Benefits of Using Podcasts in the Classroom. Reading Rockets

Influentials. Influencers vs. UGC Creators

Jovicic, A.B. (2023 Aug. 11). What Is a Content Creator? (& How to Become One in 2023). Semrush.

Lenkert, E. (2020, Dec. 10). What is a content creator and how to become one, Adobe Express.

Wakefield, A, Pike, R., & Amici-Dargan, S. (2022) Learner-generated podcasts: an authentic and enjoyable assessment for students working in pairs. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. DOI: 10.1080/02602938.2022.2152426


Godsey, M. The Benefits of Using Podcasts in the Classroom. Reading Rockets

Influentials. Influencers vs. UGC Creators

Jovicic, A.B. (2023 Aug. 11). What Is a Content Creator? (& How to Become One in 2023). Semrush.

Lenkert, E. (2020, Dec. 10). What is a content creator and how to become one, Adobe Express.

Wakefield, A, Pike, R., & Amici-Dargan, S. (2022) Learner-generated podcasts: an authentic and enjoyable assessment for students working in pairs. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. DOI: 10.1080/02602938.2022.2152426



Reproducibles and Media




  • Have students create a portfolio podcast to showcase their work throughout the term.
  • Students could compare and contrast two different podcasts on the same topic.
  • Have students find a nominate a podcast for the class to listen to.


  • Begin a class by having students listen to a podcast about the topic of the day.
  • Ask students to listen to a podcast and then post three comments or questions they have about it.
  • Have students read the transcript of a podcast as they listen to it.

Visual Arts

  • Students could create a logo or other image to represent their podcast.


  • Have students explore how music can be used to create different moods in podcasts.
  • Students could explore different intro and outro music options or create their own with instruments.

Career Education



  • Have students create a portfolio podcast to showcase their work throughout the term.
  • Students could compare and contrast two different podcasts on the same topic.
  • Have students find a nominate a podcast for the class to listen to.


  • Begin a class by having students listen to a podcast about the topic of the day.
  • Ask students to listen to a podcast and then post three comments or questions they have about it.
  • Have students read the transcript of a podcast as they listen to it.

Visual Arts

  • Students could create a logo or other image to represent their podcast.


  • Have students explore how music can be used to create different moods in podcasts.
  • Students could explore different intro and outro music options or create their own with instruments.

Career Education

How to Write a Podcast Script [8 Free Script Templates] (2023)
This blog post from buzzsprout has free podcast script templates that students could use.

A simple process and template for student podcasting (2021)
This article includes suggested tools for students, podcast rubrics and more.

Creating a Podcast
This educator resource from the Ontario Council for Technology Education includes activities for students and ready to use PowerPoints on making a podcast.

Learn More

How to Write a Podcast Script [8 Free Script Templates] (2023)
This blog post from buzzsprout has free podcast script templates that students could use.

A simple process and template for student podcasting (2021)
This article includes suggested tools for students, podcast rubrics and more.

Creating a Podcast
This educator resource from the Ontario Council for Technology Education includes activities for students and ready to use PowerPoints on making a podcast.

Godsey, M. The Benefits of Using Podcasts in the Classroom. Reading Rockets

Influentials. Influencers vs. UGC Creators

Jovicic, A.B. (2023 Aug. 11). What Is a Content Creator? (& How to Become One in 2023). Semrush.

Lenkert, E. (2020, Dec. 10). What is a content creator and how to become one, Adobe Express.

Wakefield, A, Pike, R., & Amici-Dargan, S. (2022) Learner-generated podcasts: an authentic and enjoyable assessment for students working in pairs. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. DOI: 10.1080/02602938.2022.2152426


Godsey, M. The Benefits of Using Podcasts in the Classroom. Reading Rockets

Influentials. Influencers vs. UGC Creators

Jovicic, A.B. (2023 Aug. 11). What Is a Content Creator? (& How to Become One in 2023). Semrush.

Lenkert, E. (2020, Dec. 10). What is a content creator and how to become one, Adobe Express.

Wakefield, A, Pike, R., & Amici-Dargan, S. (2022) Learner-generated podcasts: an authentic and enjoyable assessment for students working in pairs. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. DOI: 10.1080/02602938.2022.2152426