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Hands holding a hot mug

AI and Personal Vehicles


Learn how artificial intelligence systems are integrated in the vehicles we drive.

Mars Perseverance rover

Exploration of the Planets in the Solar System


Learn about how spacecraft have helped us learn about our Solar System.

Venn and Euler diagrams

Venn and Euler Diagrams


Learn about two ways of representing sets - Venn and Euler diagrams.

Algebraic equation for the sum of a series of numbers

Gauss Summation


Learn about the history and math of the Gauss Summation.

Model of a set

Set Theory


Learn about how we can describe sets and subsets of numbers.

Allison Kendall

Allison Kendall

Senior Marine Environmental Biologist

Allison Kendall is the Senior Marine Environmental Biologist for Sweeney International Marine Corp.
Pluto lit by a distant Sun

Meet Our Dwarf Planets


Learn about the dwarf planets in our Solar System.

Girl working at blackboard

Prime Factors


Learn about prime factorization and least common multiples.

Child holding a clock

Modular Arithmetic


Learn about a special type of math called clock math.

Kay Ryan tenant un énorme saumon

Kay Ryan

Plant Manager

Kay Ryan is the Plant Manager for Barry Group Inc.
Hands holding a hot mug

Introduction to Heat Transfer


Learn about the different ways that heat is transferred.

Amanda Buer

Amanda Buer

Project Manager & Consultant

Amanda Buer is a Project Manager & Consultant for ESRI Canada.
Researcher with automation equipment

Helping Patients through Drug Discovery

STEM Explained

Learn how researchers from Amgen are developing new drugs for cancer.

Tara Boyd au bureau en patins à roulettes.

Tara Boyd

Director, Operations & Administration

Tara Boyd is the Director of Operations & Administration for Pure Mechanical.
Medical image of the brain using Technetium-99m

Innovations in Nuclear Technologies

STEM Explained

Learn about why Canada is a world leader in nuclear technology.